Star Code Activation
“ … during the Portal of Preparedness, the Light forces will begin to reawaken the surface Lightworkers back into their connection with their Star origins after many decades of sleep since the Great forgetting of 1996. ”
Aftermath of this COBRA blogpost, I have begun to try reclaiming the memories of star origin. Multiple attempts have been made to facilitate the reversal of the amnesia induced by the strong suppression by the Veil of Forgetting. Once anyone embarks on this path, it is an irreversible process.
1st attempt to reverse the amnesia
My first attempt was a simple meditation. I held a Galactic Cintamani Stone to request assistance in reclaiming my memories of the past. As soon I delved into a deeper state of meditative mind, I started to see quick flashes of excerpt of memories. I saw different races of extraterrestrials (terrestrials too) went by on a starship - Pleiadeans, Sirians, Arcturians, Lyrans, Atlanteans, Agarthans, Lemurians. I could remember I was interacting with them, but merely managing to capture a tiny slice of the moment, it all went by rapidly.
Atlas, a Blue Avian being appeared, and he extended his hand to me. When I promptly extended my hand, he disappeared into thin air, and the imagery swapped.
For another moment, a round sundial-like stone tablet of unknown material manifested, without inspection, it vanished just like the beings shown to me before.
Then, I found myself submerged in an ocean. I was falling into the depths of water by the force of current. The light penetrating the waves of the ocean was dancing, giving the deep blueish sea a glow of radiant white observing from beneath the ocean. A few glass-like crystals, each of them identical, having a tower-cut, were dropped around me. They glow in brilliant, pure white light, completely covering my vision field.
However, the memories were abruptly crushed by a screeching and eerie scream. All the energies became convoluted. A red-eyed grey had intruded together with a giant chimeric female, having spider body and distorted human face. A few other unwelcome, negative entities barged in. Collectively they had exerted immense psychic pressure to twist the energy field. I was forced out of meditation.
My first attempt had failed miserably as I was catching breath. I thought, this must be the Abyss that every ascendant must cross. COBRA once said, every incarnated human being has high demons (negative aliens) living at least million years-old attached to the solar plexus region. That must be it. Once these parasites detected the host it is trying break free from their iron grip, the cabal hierarchy would be immediately alerted and do everything with their might to force people back into slavery. They are the enforcers of the Matrix Slavery System, holding every human being on Gaia hostage.
These parasitical beings lived under the umbrella of the primary Lurker, capable of detecting light-oriented souls. They would tend to create maximum chaos and difficulties in the early childhood of those souls, corrupt their bodies, weaken their mind, creating social circles that shunned them, manipulating the romantic and love lives, destroying financial stability. Anything that would result in a positive effect on light-oriented souls would be shunned and barricaded by these parasites.
But the 1st attempt is not all null. The next day I saw a symbol of Cosmic Central Race, in commensuration with the sundial-like stone tablet.
OK – first attempt failed, time for the next one.
2nd try is a charm
A few days later, I was strolling in a park by myself. The day was a good day. I witnessed a beautiful sun halo and an Anemo Dragon.
I had got the impulse to ask for the extraterrestrials to show themselves up in the sky. I meditated quietly while walking along the man-made mining lake. To my disappointment, nothing showed up except a few entities, like moths chasing fire, trying to tag along. The imagery they resembled was three pale blue dots floating.
Creating First Contact energy was more difficult than I had thought. At night, I was doubling down before falling into dreams. If my energy was insufficient, then I require more, simple. I took a single Galactic Cintamani with 3 Cintamani stones to meditate with me. However, as soon as I slept, two consecutive Man in Black haunted. One immediately rushed forward to bite; my left hand was feeling pain. Surprisingly in a deep state of slumber I was able to invoke the presence of violet flame, the first Man in Black that ambushed me turned into ashes.
The next Man in Black was way more masculine in its feature, unlike the shady first. Trivially a reptilian with greenish-white scale, supposedly high caste in its reptilian society, trying to flex its muscles. The MIB couldn’t get close to me since the protective barrier had been set up, it left not long later. That dream was so vivid and intense that I woke up drenched in sweat, my heart racing with stress.
Not everything is shrouded in gloom and doom. The next day was full moon, divine feminine energy poured in from beyond the veil. Apart from participating in the monthly remote healing session, the energy pattern was somehow right – a beautiful, spinning light mandala manifested in my vision field as I was meditating, and I heard the voice of “timeless true self” to go out.
(Timeless true self is the crypted content of workshop, it will be revealed soon once the radio silence ended, pay close attention and prepare for the full moon in January 2025)
The extraterrestrials stationing, watching us from above, decided to fulfill my wish, thus their fleet positioned around the moon. The full moon cast a luminous glow over their fleet, bathing it in a serene, silver sheen. (my phone doesn't have the best quality for taking pictures at night, so the pictures are blurry)
The effort was rewarded by the breathtaking sight.
[Note: Anyone reading this should not be discouraged by progressing forward. This is rather difficult but achievable. If you do not have the right circumstances, be it not owning a Cintamani, not in a right country etc., do it with all your might! A group doing this together would definitely be easier than doing it on your own. First contact is really worth the try!]
Beyond the Abyss
Breaking the grip of the Abyss is nothing remotely easy. I tried a few times next, but nothing succeeded. Though the primordial Lurker was getting increasingly anxious and angry with each attempt forward. The subquantum anomaly around was constantly supplied by the Lurker. This was pain and suffering.
During the morning of winter solstice. I meditated and received a vision - rain falling, the sound of river flowing, and a spaceship landing in a rainforest. Ashtar and a tall, blonde, female Nordic looking extraterrestrial showed up. They uttered my soul family’s name. But as soon as Ashtar said it, their faces rapidly devolved demonically but quickly bounced back. Realizing the field around me was still getting too distorted, I was quite disappointed. This was a short encounter in the mental plane.
However, the vision turned out to be indeed quite correct! My friend and I were walking through the river in a rainforest, and rain fell. We let the raindrops clean us. As soon as we walked out from the forest, the rain stopped immediately. What a pleasant experience!
During that night, the Cabal was still very much keen to manipulate the energies to foil any progress made by lightworkers and light warriors. I had a sudden realization that maybe the Cabal was also constantly monitoring our thoughts through the space-Jesuits nanobots, thus the reptilians and greys in cahoots knew what we were thinking to a certain degree.
To counteract their technology (and validate my hypothesis), I tried to quiet my mind down to the point of stillness. Regardless of what fascinating images that my mind might have tried to conjure, I ignored all of them. Zen is to burn your unwanted self (implants) away.
I practiced this art for a whole night without sleeping before the sun rise. Since I did this frequently during my childhood, it is a muscle memory for me to pick it up once more. And hooray – I managed to quiet the mind down to a great degree that the Kundalini energy rose up to open the heart chakra! Quite good progress!
[Note: Special thanks to Lemuria Light for this technique & my friend!]
Make Agartha Great Again!
24-12-24. Agartha has risen once again to its former glory!
This wasn’t like any of the normal Emerald Agartha meditation.
As I imagined a green room with a door, the primordial fire began to rise from the root chakra. It was all familiar, walking through the staircase made of emerald, I realized every emerald was shining bright. Liquid pink light filled the air. With each step down, the energy was getting more and more powerful.
Perhaps it was an underestimation to call it a room with a door. It should be called the Palace of Agartha for its magnificent size. This was no ordinary Palace either. I could feel Agarthans’ pride and joy in it. This IS their greatest success, “The Ascension Palace of Agartha”. It probably functions like an ascension chamber.
I strolled through the shimmering waters of the emerald lake, each step dissolving into its serene depths. A being welcomed me with her graceful presence. The entirety of her body – no, she did not even have a body in a traditional sense.
Her presence was THERE, nothing could be seen but she was fully anchored into the time and space at that moment. The being was changing its “etheric size” as she flew around me. Mischievous in her personality, but quite adorable.
My Kundalini energy broke free from its shackles, then rose to the throat chakra. Strong heat surrounded my neck area as she hugged me gently. It is only after meditation I realized some spiritually advanced Agarthans are achieving ascension too in 2025. She is also one of them. [Somehow her outer appearance, if she had one, is similar to the pink-white fairy shown in the image above, albeit slightly different.]
“Welcome back home,” she lit a bright burning fire as she caressed my heart. As if my body was semi-floating, a bubble had formed between us. The heat around my neck was immense but nothing uncomfortable nor unpleasant.
“What would you like to ask?”
“How do you achieve ascension?”
She didn’t reply directly to my question, and said,
“Maybe … come here more often and you’ll discover the answer. Don’t you wish to see us?”
I continued to ask what my soul’s name would be. She said,
“You had carried many different heritages of stars. You had known your soul’s family name, now we would give you the middle name. As for the first name, we save it for another special day.”
A serene dark blanketed, as if time had disappeared completely. Soft hymns, ancient voices breezed through with incantation. Syllabuses emerged from the sound. I’ve forgotten how long that was. Slowly, my lips synced together with the emerging voice. I had uttered my soul’s name for the first time in my life.
“Here you go! See you again, soon!”
she joyously exclaimed, sending me off the place.
As my consciousness returned to my body, I was genuinely fascinated by the experience itself. But the effects of rapid rising my Kundalini energy wasn’t without its side effects (though positive in its result), I experienced coughing and a sensation of vomiting, possibly due to an intense energy cleansing process. The positive Agartha energies are flushing unwanted energy of antiquity out, with throat chakra as a conduit.
I must thank them for the intensive energy investment, twice. Those energies had cracked the iron grip of the Abyss. It is now not impossible to break free from it.
[Note: Special thanks to COBRA for this timely update]
A Short Encounter with Pleiadeans
This is a new addition, and Merry Christmas!
I met with two Pleiadeans in Agartha. They waved to me eagerly with their arms as I stepped into the lake. I stood before them.
Just, I thought the Pleiadean man was about to give me a punch right at my face (I definitely misread his hands movement), all he did is send strong impression signal so that I could see him in my mental-vision field. A very nice-looking young man with strong body figure, freshly styled brown hair. The Pleiadean woman aside - I felt as if she was trying to contain her laughter about his humorous action. The Pleiadean woman has a long, braided dark brownish hair. Encountering with them filled my heart with great sense of warm and love.
“This is our first encounter! How do you feel?”
“Lovely and great!” I replied.
“We will see all of you very soon!”
After a while, the Pleiadeans gently requested for me to leave Agartha as they are doing preparatory work. Not long later they will rise up to the surface after that secret work is done.
Anyhow, this was a spaceship with an ample amount of dragon energy appearing right before the recent Taiwan Ascension Workshop.
I wish everyone going to the Tokyo Ascension Conference a wonderful trip with a symbol they’d drawn in the sky!
Victory of the Light!
“Just, I thought the Pleiadean man was about to give me a punch right at my face (I definitely misread his hands movement)” had me crying 😂